Reading List of theo spickett
List of books I have read or listened to on Audible. This started out as a list of the 100 most recent books but I have since added to it,
so there may be some from a longer time ago that are not on the list. Most recent first. Want to recommend a read? Email me or share your list with me...
* read more than once
# recommended to me
§ favorites
Current long-time read: Summa Theologiae (Aquinas)
Currently busy reading: quantum machine learning with python (pattanyak)
and quiet flows the don (sholokov)
a tale of two cities (dickens)
the metamorphosis and other stories (kafka)
the trial (kafka)
the master and margarita (bulgakov)
on the genealogy of morals (nietzsche)
the red book (jung)
beyond good and evil (nietzsche)
pnin (nabokov)
the house of the dead (dostoevsky)
* the idiot (dostoevsky)
# court of mist and fury (maas)
# courth of thorns and roses (maas)
§ pale fire (nabokov)
§* the brothers karamazov (dostoevsky)
night film (pessl)
tao te ching (lao tzu)
beyond good and evil (nietzsche)
how google works (schmidt, rosenberg)
# the alchemist (coelho)
philosophical foundations for a christian worldview (craig)
an elementary christian metaphysics (owens)
my dark vanessa (russell)
the road to wigan pier (orwell)
spring awakening (wedekind)
the book of genesis (rendsburg)
iliad & odyssey (homer)
the interpretation of dreams (freud)
memories, dreams, reflections (jung)
the possessed (dostoevsky)
the diary of a madman (gogol)
talking with psychopaths and savages (barry-dee)
lolita (nabokov)
the double (dostoevsky)
beyond order (peterson)
zero to one (thiel, masters)
the wim hof method (hof)
let my people go surfing (chouinard, klein)
finding ultra (roll)
knowledge and power (gilder)
when google met wikileaks (assange)
the gambler (dostoevsky)
# burnout (nagasoki)
the philosopher’s toolkit: how to be the most rational person in any room (grim)
never split the difference (voss, raz)
can’t hurt me (goggins)
thus spoke zarathustra (nietzsche)
steve jobs (isaacson)
notes from the underground (dostoevsky)
the world as will and idea, vol III (schopenhauer)
the world as will and idea, vol II (schopenhauer)
the world as will and idea, vol I (schopenhauer)
# braving the wilderness (brown)
on the fourfold root of the principle of sufficient reason (schopenhauer)
man’s search for meaning (frankl)
the plague (camus)
the modern man in search for a soul (jung)
21 lessons for the 21st century (harari)
the madness of crowds (murray)
permanent record (snowden)
bad blood (carreyrou)
american kingpin (bilton)
hatching twitter (bilton)
anna karenina (tolstoy)
the unbearable lightness of being (kundera)
cult of the dead cow (menn)
the art of invisibility (mitnick)
the gulag archipelago (solzhenitsyn)
12 rules for life (peterson)
# the poisonwood bible (kingsolver)
# a thousand splendid suns (hosseini)
§ dead souls (gogol)
stealing fire (kotler, wheal)
# the teenage brain (jensen, nutt)
spark joy (kondo)
war and peace (tolstoy)
maps of meaning (peterson)
plato’s republic (plato)
faust, parts I and II (goethe)
the stranger (camus)
the philosophy of thomas aquinas (kreeft)
the critique of pure reason (kant)
the deamon-haunted world (sagan)
bhagavad gita (vyasa)
science of the akashik field (laszlo)
practicing mindfulness, an introduction to meditation (muesse)
the bible (various)
the great ideas of philosophy, 2nd ediion (robinson)
why nations fail (acemoglu, robinson)
lost and founder (fishkin)
# the paper magician (holmberg)
sapiens (harari)
advances in financial machine learning (de prado)
anthem (rand)
atlas shrugged (rand)
# the fifth doll (holmberg)
homo deus (harari)
moby dick (melville)
fahrenheit 451 (bradbury)
the fountainhead (rand)
extreme ownership (willink, babin)
aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe (saenz)
brave new world (huxley)
the fatal conceit (hayek)
the constitution of liberty (hayek)
# the shape of water (del toro, kraus)
endurance (lansing)
ghost in the wires (mitnick, simon)
crime and punishment (dostoevsky)